Legally valid in any case 

Skribble allows you to digitally sign all types of contracts with legal validity – even if the handwritten signature is required.

Sign with legal validity:

  • in Germany and the EU in accordance with the European eIDAS regulation  
  • in Switzerland in accordance with the Federal Act on Electronic Signatures (ZertES)
  • with all 3 e-signature standards defined by law
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With Skribble, you can digitally sign any type of contract with legal validity –  even if the written form is required. (Source: Skribble)

The first choice for over 3,000 companies with the highest standards of data protection and security:

Datev Logo
EasyJet Logo
Helvetia Logo
SEG Logo
Harvey Nash Logo

Legally valid under EU and Swiss law

Skribble meets the requirements of Swiss and European legislation and is therefore legally valid throughout Europe. (Source: Skribble)

The legal validity of electronic signatures in the EU is laid down in the “EU Regulation on Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions in the Internal Market” (eIDAS regulation). The equivalent in Switzerland is the Federal Act on Electronic Signatures (ZertES). 

“A qualified electronic signature has the same legal validity as a handwritten signature.”
eIDAS, Art. 25, para. 2, REGULATION (EU) No. 910/2014

Legally valid for documents with and without a written form requirement

Both laws stipulate three e-signature standards: the simple (SES), advanced (AES) and qualified electronic signature (QES). The QES replaces the handwritten signature in terms of legal validity for contracts requiring the written form.

Different documents, different legal requirements – Skribble offers you all three e-signature standards from a single source to get any scenario covered.

With Skribble, you can digitally sign all documents in a legally valid manner – regardless of whether they require the written form-free or not. (Source: Skribble)
How much legal weight do I need?

The formal requirements and the liability risk of a document determine which e-signature standard needs to be used and when.

No further integrations needed – Skribble has it all

Skribble puts together all the components you need for a legally valid e-signature, so you don’t have to worry about contracts with third-party providers or any additional services.

  • Trust service provider (TSP)

    We only use signature certificates from officially recognised trust service providers (TSPs).

  • Identity provider (IDP)

    We offer various identification methods and rely on recognised identity providers (IDPs).

  • Always up to date

    We are constantly adapting to developments in the market. This way, we are always up to date when it comes to technical and legal changes.

The open system of Skribble's e-signing platform can be expanded as desired and is thus always up to date. (Source: Skribble)

Trust service providers recognised in Switzerland and the EU

All of Skribble’s signature certificates come from recognised trust service providers (TSPs) that are officially certified in the EU and/ or Switzerland. Certification in one EU country has validity in all other member states.

Our trust service providers (TSPs) are recognised in all EU countries and Switzerland:

  • Swisscom logo

    Swisscom is certified in Switzerland and Austria for signatures under Swiss and EU law.

  • A-Trust Logo

    A-Trust is certified in Austria for signatures under EU law.

  • GlobalSign Logo

    GlobalSign is certified in Belgium for signatures under to EU law.

EU list of trusted service providers (TSPs)

The EU Commission maintains a list of all recognised Trust Service Providers (TSPs).


It’s easy to check a PDF signed with a QES online. You can use the official validator. The validity of all e-signature standards is also displayed in the PDF reader from Adobe Acrobat when you open a document. For this, the certificates need to be issued by members of the Adobe Approved Trust List. All of the TSPs used by Skribble are certified by Adobe. See Adobe Approved Trust List.

The signature certificate issued by a certified trust service provider is technically linked to the signed PDF document and confirms the validity of the signature. It contains a time stamp, which records the time of the signature, guarantees the integrity of the signed document (i.e. that no changes have been made to it since) and confirms the identity of the signer.

An internationally accepted and uniform standard, as is the case in the EU, does not exist. The requirements of electronic signatures in eIDAS are very high – many countries have therefore based their standards on eIDAS or enacted less stringent legislation. Companies using the e-signature in countries outside the EU/EEA should familiarise themselves with national legislation. Skribble can provide support if required. For more information, you can also visit our Help center.

A TSP is an independent provider of trust services that is regularly certified by the relevant country, e.g. Deutsche Telekom AG, Swisscom or A-Trust. Their role is essentially to establish a digital trust space on the internet. To this end, the TSP issues electronic certificates for signatures and websites in order to confirm their integrity and authorship. In the case of signatures, the TSP guarantees that no changes have been made to the document since it was signed and gives information on the identity of the signer – this way both the signing and inspecting parties can be sure of the authenticity of the signature.

The role of an identity provider (IDP) is to verify the identity of persons or companies on the internet to ensure secure transactions – this is done on different security levels. This type of provider offers services such as user authentication via single sign-on (SSO). In cases where security requirements are particularly high, they check the identity of users via mobile numbers or even via identification documents. Skribble outsources certain identity services for advanced (AES) and qualified electronic signatures (QES) to a trusted identity provider. In the case of QES, this provider checks the identity of the signer with an official ID on-site or online via video chat.

eIDAS, also known as Article No. 910/2014, is a legal regulation of the EU that has been in full force since 2016. The regulation creates a standardised legal basis for electronic identification and trust services that applies throughout the EU, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. eIDAS is not valid in Switzerland; instead, ZertES, a Swiss Federal law with very similar contents, applies.

The Swiss Federal Act on Electronic Signatures (ZertES) regulates the conditions under which trust service providers (TSPs) may use electronic signatures. ZertES defines the framework, including rights and obligations, for the provision of certification services by TSPs and is therefore the Swiss equivalent of the European eIDAS regulation.

Yes. These are issued by an official body of the EU or Switzerland. Click here for the Trust Service Providers (TSPs) certified by the EU and click here for the Trust Service Providers (TSPs) certified by Switzerland.

This varies greatly from country to country – national laws such as the Civil Code (BGB) in Germany or the Code of Obligations (OR) in Switzerland are authoritative here. When it comes to selecting the e-signature standard, however, you should consult with a competent legal person in each specific scenario.

Contracts and expressions of intent generally do not require any particular form. Most contracts therefore do not need to be concluded in writing or confirmed with a signature – a handshake or a verbal commitment usually suffice to ensure the validity of a contract. For the purposes of keeping proof, however, it is usually a good idea to conclude contracts in written form. The law requires the written form for certain contracts such as terminations (Germany) or when opening a bank account (Switzerland). If this kind of contract is to be signed electronically, only a QES will be legally valid.

Sign legally valid with
a few clicks

Worldwide usage, hosted in Switzerland.

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No credit card needed.
Available in English, German and French.